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Image by Roman Kraft

Berkley Bullhorn

Introducing The Berkley Bullhorn

Powered by the Berkley Area Chamber of Commerce, the Berkley Bullhorn amplifies new business ribbon cuttings, upcoming events, behind the scenes features of local business owners, Berk Perk discounts, and Berkley pet profiles.​



Who puts out the Berkley Bullhorn?
The Berkley Bullhorn is powered by the Berkley Area Chamber of Commerce.


What's it all about?
The Berkley Bullhorn amplifies Chamber businesses by featuring Berk Perk Discount Card specials, new business ribbon cuttings, events, behind-the-scenes features of local business owners, and cute Berkley pet profiles.


Why should I follow?
To stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest going on in Berkley. Businesses are the backbone of the community, so let's show them our support.


Are you going to sell my information if I sign up?
Absolutely not.


What exactly does the Berkley Chamber of Commerce do?

We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to amplifying businesses in Berkley, Huntington Woods and Oak Park. We are responsible for putting on great events like Art Bash and the Street Art Festival.


Do my tax dollars go to the Berkley Chamber of Commerce?

Nope. Businesses pay a modest fee to join, and we have a host of volunteers that make all of our events happen.


Who can join the Berkley Chamber of Commerce?
Anyone that has a business in Berkley, Huntington Woods, Oak Park or the surrounding areas.


I have an event that I would like to be featured. Who do I tell?
If you're a Chamber business, email your event info to Not a Chamber member? Sign up here


Are you a Chamber member who wants to learn more? Have questions? Visit Berkley Bullhorn for Business Owners informational page.

White Sheet
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